The Normal Functions Of The Skeletal, Nervous, And Muscular Systems
Explain the normal functions of the skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems for the individual in the given scenario by doing the following:
1. Explain the basic process of movement for the musculoskeletal system.
2. Explain the basic process of the central and peripheral nervous systems. I received the attached report already but when submitted my instructor sent me the following stating information was still missing. The submission includes accurately completed PDFs of the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system modules with perfect scores on identifying structures, such as the fibula, Sartorius, and cerebrum. The quadriceps, hamstring, gluteal muscles, leg, foot, and hip are correctly identified as musculoskeletal structures that are involved in kicking a football. It is aptly explained that the skeletal system supports the body and that the contraction of muscle fibers results in movement. The gross central structures are not clearly identified. An identification of the gross peripheral structures and a description of their normal function could not be found. I need a paper that includes all the elements of the assignment. The Normal Functions Of The Skeletal, Nervous, And Muscular Systems
Gray, Pamela Name: Pamela Gray Course: Anatomy and Physiology Date: February 26, 2017 Function of Skeletal, Nervous and Muscular System for a Football Player Kicking a Field Goal The process of kicking a ball is a complex process that incorporates several systems in the body of the player. Skeletal, muscular and nervous systems play crucial roles in this process. In addition, other body systems all have roles to play in the process since no single body system can operate on its own. The biomechanics involved in kicking a ball are laid out in stages starting with the approach made by the player to run towards the ball. Knee extensors (quadriceps muscle) serves to straighten the leg then subsequently display optimal eccentric activity that ultimately results in lengthening of the lower limb in the process of swing-limb loading. The quadriceps muscle forcefully contracts to swing the foot towards the ball and in the process, 15% of the energy generated from the swinging is transferred to strike the ball. The rest of the energy is used by the hamstring muscles to slow down the swinging limb (Saladin 46)The Normal Functions Of The Skeletal, Nervous, And Muscular Systems.
As the above process continues, several other muscles act as support structures. Psoas major, abdominals and erector spinae muscles serve to stabilize the body’s trunk. Flexion of hip joint is done by psoas, rectus femoris, adductors, Sartorius and iliacus. Hip extension is facilitated by gluteus muscles. Gray, Pamela The biceps brachii, deltoid and pectoralis major aid in moving the upper limbs in a desirable manner in order to stabilize the player’s body. Additionally, tendons and joints provide information to the nervous system regarding the body’s motion which in turn affects the appropriate structures in a desired way. The structures mentioned above all depend on the Central Nervous System (CNS) for control. Sensory information relayed from the muscles, tendons and ligaments are received in the central nervous system and subjected to analysis and interpretation. The central nervous system then gives a motor feedback instructing the responsible structures to take the necessary steps. For instance, the muscles described above all depend on motor control from the central nervous system to contract.
The spinal cord contains fibers that relay information to the central nervous system and, secondly, contains motor fibers that facilitate contraction of muscle fibers that result in striking of the ball. Sensory receptors located in the joints send information to the brain regarding the position of various parts of the body (Guyton 136). The process of kicking a ball is a process that is actualized by collaboration of various body systems that work together to produce a perfect strike on the ball. The skeletal system serves to provide support for the body in order to provide a perfect balance. The muscular system composed of muscles of the lower limb, upper limb and trunk work together to provide the force to strike the ball and also provide balance for the player’s body. Information from all these systems is relayed to the central nervous system that analyzes the information and sends the appropriate motor response to the effective structures. Simply put, our body’s systems work together as a family to produce a desired action. Gray, Pamela Works Cited Guyton, Arthur C. Structure and function of the nervous system. New York: Saunders Limited., 2013. Print Saladin, Kenneth S., and Leslie Miller. Anatomy & physiology The Normal Functions Of The Skeletal, Nervous, And Muscular Systems